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McCarthyism : The Great American Red Scare
McCarthyism : The Great American Red Scare
Author: Fried, Albert
Edition/Copyright: 1997
ISBN: 0-19-509701-7
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $77.25
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Author Bio
Table of Contents
  Author Bio

Fried, Albert : Purchase College, State University of New York


Drawing upon a rich selection of documents, this book provides a detailed account of an extraordinary period of recent history when Americans were routinely persecuted because they were suspected of being insufficiently patriotic in the struggle against Communism and, in particular, the Soviet Union. The persecution took various forms, from imprisonment to the purging and blacklisting of untold thousands. Fried demonstrates how the end result was to consign the American radical left to irrelevancy. Documenting both the persecuted and the persecutors, this book is the definitive reader on McCarthyism, and the American Red Scare, a period which spanned from the late 1940's to to the mid-1960's.

  Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction: Definitions.

Chapter 2. Intimations of Things to Come

1. The Sin of Advocacy
2. HUAC Gets Under Way
3. J. Edgar Hoover Alerts the Nation
4. The Right to Wiretap
5. Un-Americanism in California

Chapter 3. McCarthyism in Earnest

1. Defining Loyalty
2. Two Case Studies

a. O. Edmund Clubb
b. "Case Number 16"

3. Cleaning out the Unions
4. The Ordeal of John Howard Lawson
5. In Defense of the Hollywood Ten
6. Hollywood's Response
7. Trying the Communists

Chapter 4. Liberal Response and Counter-Response

1. Liberal Idealism: Contra Loyalty Reviews
2. Liberal Realism: Pro-Loyalty Reviews
3. In Defense of Liberal Anti-Communism
4. A Communist Advises Anti-Communist Liberals
5. Throwing the Communists Out of the CIO
6. Liberal Anti-Communism in Extremis
7. The Case of the American Civil Liberties Union

Chapter 5. McCarthy the Man: McCarthyism Triumphant

1. McCarthy Anticipates McCarthyism
2. Versions of the Wheeling Speech
3. Mrs. Smith's Declaration of Conscience
4. Democratic Rebuttal
5. Total Security: The McCarran Act
6. McCarthy Unbound
7. McCarthy's Assault on General Marshall
8. McCarthy in Full Stride
9. McCarthy as Hero

Chapter 6. Judicial Acquiescence

1. The Court Gives the Go-Ahead
2. Defining the Fifth
3. Loyalty, Past, Present and Future
4. Suppression Legalized: Dennis v. United States
5. New York Leads the Way

Chapter 7. Inquisition Triumphant

1. Blacklisters at Work: Red Channels:

a. Larry Adler
b. Leonard Bernstein
c. Paul Draper
d. Will Geere
Arthur Miller

2. The California Loyalty Oath
3. Reagan versus the Reds
4. Industry Goes Along
5. How to Get Off, Or Avoid Gettin on the Blacklist
6. The Pathos of Larry Parks
7. Kazan Explains Why
8. Hellman's Cry of Conscience
9. "The Rights and Responsibilities of Universities and their Faculties"
10. Stander Confound HUAC
11. Dr. Oppenheimer's Disgrace
12. The Butterfly and the Committee
13. Paul Robeson Takes on the Committee

Chapter 8. Expulsions and Imprisonments

1. Adler's Lament
2. The Fruits of Defiance: Lardner
3. The Fruits of Defiance: Bessie
4. Travails of a Communist
5. Getting Dashiell Hammett Et Al
6. "Sedition" in Pittsburgh
7. Harrassing a Labor Radical

Chapter 9. McCarthy's Fall

1. Assailing Eisenhower
2. McCarthy and His Nemesis
3. Defiance to the Bitter End
4. Condemned!
5. Liberals Seek Cover: The Communist Control Act

Chapter 10. A Measure of Redress

1. End of the Lattimore Affaire
2. Freedom for Steve Nelson
3. Matusow Confesses
4. The Fifth Vindicated
5. The Smith Act Disabled
6. HUAC's Wing's Clipped
7. The Right to Travel Abroad Affirmed
8. Faulk Breaks the Blacklist

Chapter 11. Afterward

1. COINTELPRO in the Flesh
2. Breaking and Entering
3. Tom Huston's Try
4. J. Edgar Hoover Still Sees Red
Bibliographical Essay


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