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I'm a Stranger Here Myself
I'm a Stranger Here Myself
Author: Bryson, Bill
Edition/Copyright: 1999
ISBN: 0-7679-0382-X
Publisher: Broadway Books
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $12.75
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Sample Chapter
Table of Contents
  Sample Chapter

Mail Call

One of the pleasures of living in a small, old-fashioned New England town is that it generally includes a small, old-fashioned post office. Ours is particularly agreeable. It's in an attractive Federal-style brick building, confident but not flashy, that looks like a post office ought to. It even smells nice -- a combination of gum adhesive and old central heating turned up a little too high.

The counter employees are always cheerful, helpful and efficient, and pleased to give you an extra piece of tape if it looks as if your envelope flap might peel open. Moreover, post offices here by and large deal only with postal matters. They don't concern themselves with pension payments, car tax, TV licenses, lottery tickets, savings accounts, or any of the hundred and one other things that make a visit to any British post office such a popular, all-day event and provide a fulfilling and reliable diversion for chatty people who enjoy nothing so much as a good long hunt in their purses and handbags for exact change. Here there are never any long lines and you are in and out in minutes.

Best of all, once a year every American post office has a Customer Appreciation Day. Ours was yesterday. I had never heard of this engaging custom, but I was taken with it immediately. The employees had hung up banners, put out a long table with a nice checkered cloth, and laid on a generous spread of doughnuts, pastries, and hot coffee -- all of it free.

After twenty years in Britain, this seemed a delightfully improbable notion, the idea of a faceless government bureaucracy thanking me and my fellow townspeople for our patronage, but I was impressed and grateful -- and, I must say, it was good to be reminded that postal employees are not just mindless automatons who spend their days mangling letters and whimsically sending my royalty checks to a guy in Vermont named Bill Bubba but rather are dedicated, highly trained individuals who spend their days mangling letters and sending my royalty checks to a guy in Vermont named Bill Bubba.

Anyway, I was won over utterly. Now I would hate for you to think that my loyalty with respect to postal delivery systems can be cheaply bought with a chocolate twirl doughnut and a Styrofoam cup of coffee, but in fact it can. Much as I admire Britain's Royal Mail, it has never once offered me a morning snack, so I have to tell you that as I strolled home from my errand, wiping crumbs from my face, my thoughts toward American life in general and the U.S. Postal Service in particular were pretty incomparably favorable.

But, as nearly always with government services, it couldn't last. When I got home, the day's mail was on the mat. There among the usual copious invitations to acquire new credit cards, save a rain forest, become a life member of the National Incontinence Foundation, add my name (for a small fee) to the Who's Who of People Named Bill in New England, help the National Rifle Association with its Arm-a-Toddler campaign, and the scores of other unsought inducements, special offers, and solicitations that arrive each day at every American home -- well, there among this mass was a forlorn and mangled letter that I had sent forty-one days earlier to a friend in California care of his place of employment and that was now being returned to me marked "Insufficient Address -- Get Real and Try Again" or words to that effect.

At the sight of this I issued a small, despairing sigh, and not merely because I had just sold the U.S. Postal Service my soul for a doughnut. It happens that I had recently read an article on wordplay in the Smithsonian magazine in which the author asserted that some puckish soul had once sent a letter addressed, with playful ambiguity, to


and it had gotten there after the postal authorities had worked out that it was to be read as "John Underhill, Andover, Mass." (Get it?)

It's a nice story, and I would truly like to believe it, but the fate of my letter to California seemed to suggest a need for caution with regard to the postal service and its sleuthing abilities. The problem with my letter was that I had addressed it to my friend merely "c/o Black Oak Books, Berkeley, California," without a street name or number because I didn't know either. I appreciate that that is not a complete address, but it is a lot more explicit than "Hill John Mass" and anyway Black Oak Books is a Berkeley institution. Anyone who knows the city -- and I had assumed in my quaintly naive way that that would include Berkeley postal authorities -- would know Black Oak Books. But evidently not. (Goodness knows, incidentally, what my letter had been doing in California for nearly six weeks, though it came back with a nice tan and an urge to get in touch with its inner feelings.)

Now just to give this plaintive tale a little heartwarming perspective, let me tell you that not long before I departed from England, the Royal Mail had brought me, within forty-eight hours of its posting in London, a letter addressed to "Bill Bryson, Writer, Yorkshire Dales," which is a pretty impressive bit of sleuthing. (And never mind that the correspondent was a trifle off his head.)

So here I am, my affections torn between a postal service that never feeds me but can tackle a challenge and one that gives me free tape and prompt service but won't help me out when I can't remember a street name. The lesson to draw from this, of course, is that when you move from one country to another you have to accept that there are some things that are better and some things that are worse, and there is nothing you can do about it. That may not be the profoundest of insights to take away from a morning's outing, but I did get a free doughnut as well, so on balance I guess I'm happy.

Now if you will excuse me I have to drive to Vermont and collect some mail from a Mr. Bubba.

(Some months after this piece was written, I received a letter from England addressed to "Mr. Bill Bryson, Author of A Walk in the Woods, Lives Somewhere in New Hampshire, America." It arrived without comment or emendation just five days after it was mailed. My congratulations to the U.S. Postal Service for an unassailable triumph.)


After living in Britain for two decades, Bill Bryson recently moved back to the United States with his English wife and four children (he had read somewhere that nearly 3 million Americans believed they had been abducted by aliens -- as he later put it, "it was clear my people needed me"). They were greeted by a new and improved America that boasts microwave pancakes, twenty-four-hour dental-floss hotlines, and the staunch conviction that ice is not a luxury item.

Delivering the brilliant comic musings that are a Bryson hallmark, I'm a Stranger Here Myself recounts his sometimes disconcerting reunion with the land of his birth. The result is a book filled with hysterical scenes of one man's attempt to reacquaint himself with his own country, but it is also an extended if at times bemused love letter to the homeland he has returned to after twenty years away.

  Table of Contents

Introduction xi

1. Coming Home 1

2. Mail Call 5

3. Drug Culture 9

4. What's Cooking? 13

5. Well, Doctor, I Was Just Trying to Lie Down 17

6. Rule Number 1 : Follow All Rules 20

7. Take Mc Out to the Ballpark 24

8. Help! 28

9. A Visit to the Barbershop 31

10. On the Hotline 35

11. Design Flaws 39

12. Room Service 43

13. Consuming Pleasures 47

14. The Numbers Game 51

15. Junk-Food Heaven 55

16. How to Have Fun at Home 59

17. Tales of the North Woods 63

18. The Cupholder Revolution 69

19. Number, Please 73

20. Friendly People 77

21. Why Everyone Is Worried 81

22. The Risk Factor 85

23. The War on Drugs 89

24. Dying Accents 93

25. Inefficiency Report 97

26. Why No One Walks 101

27. Wide-Open Spaces 105

28. Snoopers at Work 109

29. Lost at the Movies 113

30. Gardening with My Wife 117

31. Ah. Summer! 121

32. A Day at the Seaside 125

33. On Losing a Son 129

34. Highway Diversions 133

35. Fall in New England 138

36. The Best American Holiday 142

37. Deck the Halls 146

38. Fun in the Snow 151

39. The Mysteries of Christmas 155

40. Life in a Cold Climate 159

41. Hail to the Chief 163

42. Lost in Cyberland 167

43. Your Tax Form Explained 171

44. Book Tours 175

45. The Waste Generation 179

46. A Slight Inconvenience 185

47. At the Drive-In 189

48. Drowning in Red Tape 194

49. Life's Mysteries 198

50. So Sue Me 202

51. The Great Indoors 206

52. Death Watch 210

53. In Praise of Diners 214

54. Shopping Madness 218

55. The Fat of the Land 222

56. Your New Computer 226

57. How to Rent a Car 231

58. The Wasteland 235

59. The Flying Nightmare 239

60. Enough Already 243

61. At a Loss 248

62. Old News 252

63. Rules for Living 256

64. Our Town 261

65. Word Play 265

66. Last Night on the Titanic 269

67. Property News 273

68. Life's Technicalities 277

69. An Address to the Graduating Class of Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, New Hampshire 281

70. Coming Home : Part II 285


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