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Maps and Dreams : Indians and the British Columbia Frontier, (Canadian)
Maps and Dreams : Indians and the British Columbia Frontier, (Canadian)
Author: Brody, Hugh
Edition/Copyright: 1981
ISBN: 0-88894-593-0
Publisher: Douglas and McIntyre Publishing Group
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $18.00
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Maps and Dreamsis a journey in to the lives and lands of the Beaver people, forest hunters of the Canadian sub-Arctic. Fascinating descriptions of daily life and the Indians' dreams of hunting trails and of heaven alternate with a perceptive commentary on the history, politics and social conditions of northeastern British Columbia. Two realities emerge: the rapacious dreams and plans of the white man, and the maps the Beaver people made to demonstrate the tenacity of a hunting and trapping economy.

Conflicts of interest and the collision of points of view are reflected in th structure of the book. Odd-numbered chapters are a narrative of the Beaver people in their hunting territory of forests and foothills. The even-numbered chapters explore how they must compete with resource and recreational industries for an ever-greater piece of the North. Drawing on the Hugh Brody's experiences of living with the Beaver people, this book makes a signficiant contribution to social science and history, without depriving the reader of the pure enjoyment of fine writing and storytelling.


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