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Aeneid: New Prose Translation (Penguin Classics)
Aeneid: New Prose Translation (Penguin Classics)
Author: Virgil
Edition/Copyright: 1990
ISBN: 0-14-044457-2
Publisher: Penguin Books, Inc.
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $8.25
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This is a translation of the Latin narrative poem whose twelve "books tell of the forced wanderings of the Trojan hero Aeneas (son of the goddess Venus and the mortal Anchises) after the fall of Troy; how he survived the wrath of the goddess Juno (who favored Troy's enemies, the Achaeans), and, after a series of demanding adventures, fulfilled a prophecy that he would lead his uprooted people to a new home and there found an empire -- what would become the home of Augustus." (Christ Sci Monit)

This is an English translation in iambic pentameter of Virgil's epic poem, The Aeneid, originally in Latin hexameters, whose twelve books narrate the adventures of Aeneas, from his flight from burning Troy, throughout his wanderings, to his founding of Rome.

This is the first major single-volume edition in English of Book IX of Virgil's Aeneid, a pivotal part of the poem that contains the nocturnal interlude of the ill-fated expedition of the young Trojans Nisus and Euryalus.

Virgil's great epic transforms the Homeric tradition into a triumphal statement of the Roman civilizing mission. Translated by Robert Fitzgerald.


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